Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It does not Make Sense

I am a South African and part of the ones who are ultimate optimists who truly believe in this New Dream of a Rainbow Nation. Well and then who is my President, The Intellectual and Globe Trotting Mr Thabo Mbeki, a man I held in very high esteem for a very long time and then like a hurricane....BOOOOOOM! it hit me.
I was watching the news and saw him hand in hand with the tyrant Robert Mugabe, and what does he say after that..."There is no crisis in Zinbabwe"..and what do I do....I screeaaaaam Noooooooooo...this is a clone and not the man who gave one of the most amazing speeches " I am an African", to be liked to "I have a Dream, Dr Martin Luther jnr's speech, he who had a Dream about NEPAd, African Rennaisance etc.
Well I quickly went to the bathroom to wash my face because I thought I was in wonderland. Well whilst I was still recovering from this shock, what do you know ...the reality that the Scorpions..the mean Crime Fighting Machine, the FBI of Africa will be no more...this is an organization which was Lead by a Leornard Mccarthy who has just being appointed by the World Bank to head their anti-corruption division.
What went wrong, well what do I does not make sense...can someone tll me I am DREAMING.

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