Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Build Your Dream Team for Success

No man is an Island, this is as old as I can remember.,et it still sounds true to this day.

In my everyday business of assiting both organizations and individuals in their path to success I am always confronted by a common occurance amongst individual Leaders and general organizational populace.

Each time I ask a group of about 100 if they individually have a mentor and a Dream Team, the answer would never be above 5% of the group responding positively. This I find very strange because most people in organizations work within Teams, both from a project perspective and or departments.

They have witnessed the power of a collective in being able to break down a seemingly impossible task into small achievable goals. Yet they themselves always want to deal with the challenges of life individually. In my quest for knowledge and learning from scores and scores of Gurus and Great Teachers, each and everyone of them consistently talks about the power of a collective.
I am challenging you to emulate the power and synergy of cooperative work in your life. As The Great Paul J Meyer of Success Motivation International had said in his work that life has dimensions and for us to leave a truly balanced life we should alays endeavour to balance these dimensions.
They are Education, Finance , Family , Health , Spirituality and Social . So I urge you to do a very simple and yet profound exercise. I want you to conduct a Personal SWOT "Strength , Weaknessess, Opportunities and Theats in each and everyone of the dimensions. Once you have honesty done that , then it is time for you to start identifying individuals who can assist you in achieving balance in these dimensions.

In so doing always ensure that you have a Mentor who will act as CEO of your Unlimited PTY and not Limited PTY. I had always believed that the greatnes we witness in people like Tiger Woods, Roger Federrer etc is always the work of a Dream Team. Begin to ask yourself what I call "Legacy Questions"...meaning what will you leave behind when your time to go has come. In building this Team make sure that you have a solid plan based on the results of your swot exercise.

To really reach the stars and be what you were born to do and to manifest the greatness living inside of you, the time has come for you to start building that Dream Team which will ensure that you leave behind that which was deposited in you. This gives you the greates opportunity of "Dying Empty" a rare and very illusive thing in today's times.

Go out there, search and find a group of people who in their own rights have succeeded in each of the dimensions and use their collective and individual wisdom to ensure that your journey becomes a little bit smoother.

I wish you success and the best in putting together your "Dream Team for Success"

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