Monday, May 26, 2008

What work are our Hands Doing?

"Oh! but what have we here, about ten thousands of those men who do no work in England today"...this was said in the battle of Edin Court in 1216 which was later christened "The Feast Crispian" by King Henry the V.

Well what work does our hands do today. These are very trying , challenging and yet exciting times. With the world financial markets in turmoil, country rising up against each other , brother aginst brother. To some this may mean that it is the time of gloom and that there seems to be no end to the rise and rise of things from oil to basic food stuff. Well now my friend this does not really happen in a vacuum , it is but the works of a few men who in their own privacy know that the power they wield has both the ability to build or destroy.

To some for an extra bottle of a high and mighty perfumery, or clothes hand knitted or some exotic sports car will do nothing but add fuel to the fire already burning. In all this quadmire each and everyone of us has hands which are as capable as those with immerse power to make a difference. Today I choose to be an agent of change, I choose to let my hands have the power to make a difference and not in the pursuit of glorification but in the knowing that I can and do make a difference.

Today I choose to look at my felow human beings and see in them the aspirations and dreams that I have had since being a boy and have achieved a couple of them in this my journey of life. I choose to let my hands be concerned with the work of making today exceptional so that tomorrow could mean a different day for those who are faced with adversity and therefore have no wish for tomorrow.

Today I choose not only to look at my immediate wants which are so far of from the needs of the ordinary folks in the street , but to make a powerful contribution to the betterness of men in the tasks that my hands have. Today I choose to challenge the way you look at life and interact with those around you, be they senior or junior either in rank or age. I today choose to let my hands do the things that we fear the most , the one thing which when we do not only liberates us but also gives an opportunity for those around us to be liberated too.

I today Billy Selekane choose to be he who becomes an inspiration and not for personal gain or glory but to contribute to the positive force of men in their need for fulfillment...I choose today to let my hands hold and push the axle of the world so that tomorrow becomes a brighter day.

To you my friends I ask today...What work are your hands doing? ...and that is a question I leave to you.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Build Your Dream Team for Success

No man is an Island, this is as old as I can remember.,et it still sounds true to this day.

In my everyday business of assiting both organizations and individuals in their path to success I am always confronted by a common occurance amongst individual Leaders and general organizational populace.

Each time I ask a group of about 100 if they individually have a mentor and a Dream Team, the answer would never be above 5% of the group responding positively. This I find very strange because most people in organizations work within Teams, both from a project perspective and or departments.

They have witnessed the power of a collective in being able to break down a seemingly impossible task into small achievable goals. Yet they themselves always want to deal with the challenges of life individually. In my quest for knowledge and learning from scores and scores of Gurus and Great Teachers, each and everyone of them consistently talks about the power of a collective.
I am challenging you to emulate the power and synergy of cooperative work in your life. As The Great Paul J Meyer of Success Motivation International had said in his work that life has dimensions and for us to leave a truly balanced life we should alays endeavour to balance these dimensions.
They are Education, Finance , Family , Health , Spirituality and Social . So I urge you to do a very simple and yet profound exercise. I want you to conduct a Personal SWOT "Strength , Weaknessess, Opportunities and Theats in each and everyone of the dimensions. Once you have honesty done that , then it is time for you to start identifying individuals who can assist you in achieving balance in these dimensions.

In so doing always ensure that you have a Mentor who will act as CEO of your Unlimited PTY and not Limited PTY. I had always believed that the greatnes we witness in people like Tiger Woods, Roger Federrer etc is always the work of a Dream Team. Begin to ask yourself what I call "Legacy Questions"...meaning what will you leave behind when your time to go has come. In building this Team make sure that you have a solid plan based on the results of your swot exercise.

To really reach the stars and be what you were born to do and to manifest the greatness living inside of you, the time has come for you to start building that Dream Team which will ensure that you leave behind that which was deposited in you. This gives you the greates opportunity of "Dying Empty" a rare and very illusive thing in today's times.

Go out there, search and find a group of people who in their own rights have succeeded in each of the dimensions and use their collective and individual wisdom to ensure that your journey becomes a little bit smoother.

I wish you success and the best in putting together your "Dream Team for Success"

Monday, May 19, 2008

Quality of Thoughts, brings Quality of Life

Today is a beginning of anew week. A week of great or not so great things happening and all this depends on how you have tuned your thinking process. I am in my new office and appreciating the beauty of what I have created which not only turned out to be a great place to come to but also full of inspiration. I have thought about his for a long long time, offices I have occupied previously I had very little or nothing at all to do with how the design and layout.
This time around the consistent powerful thoughts of creating an environement wherein greatness is bred. Not only did I think about it all the time, I never ever stopped talking about it ot clients, friends , colleagues and family.

The power and quality of the thoughts which drove the creation of this environment was that of Power, Enthusiasm, Greatness, Love , Inspiration and all the positive and powerful emotions which go hand in hand with the manifestation of Greatness. If my thoughts were doubful and not focused I could have never ever being able to really achieve this objective.

Some of you out there are chasing a deal, be it with a women or men you want to engage with or a business opportunity I am not sure my friend know exactly what it is which had just occupied your thoughts through the weekend. Well truth be told that the outcome of your pursuit will be based on which side were your thoghts wired, were they thoughts of positive outcomes or doubts. Remember one of the most powerful universal law is the "Law of Attraction". That which truly occupies your thoughts coinsistently and in what angle, be it positive or negative it becoems the manifets of the results.

I am challenging you this coming week to be your own thought police, to consistently be conscious of what you are thinking about each and everyhing around you...your job, business, loved ones anything and ensure that the thoughts stay positive. Sometimes we et edgey or an irritation fro whatever reason. That then becomes the seed we then sow in our mnds and as we know when we reap, it will be exactly what we sowed...Be positive, guard against using negative laguage, be aware of negative influences around yyou and then turn them all around.

Up to date the quality of your life is inspired and directed by the quality of your the mdest and yet powerful writte James Allen once attested ...As a Man Thinketh...well So Shall He/she BE.

Change your Thoughts and Change your Destiny.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It does not Make Sense

I am a South African and part of the ones who are ultimate optimists who truly believe in this New Dream of a Rainbow Nation. Well and then who is my President, The Intellectual and Globe Trotting Mr Thabo Mbeki, a man I held in very high esteem for a very long time and then like a hurricane....BOOOOOOM! it hit me.
I was watching the news and saw him hand in hand with the tyrant Robert Mugabe, and what does he say after that..."There is no crisis in Zinbabwe"..and what do I do....I screeaaaaam Noooooooooo...this is a clone and not the man who gave one of the most amazing speeches " I am an African", to be liked to "I have a Dream, Dr Martin Luther jnr's speech, he who had a Dream about NEPAd, African Rennaisance etc.
Well I quickly went to the bathroom to wash my face because I thought I was in wonderland. Well whilst I was still recovering from this shock, what do you know ...the reality that the Scorpions..the mean Crime Fighting Machine, the FBI of Africa will be no more...this is an organization which was Lead by a Leornard Mccarthy who has just being appointed by the World Bank to head their anti-corruption division.
What went wrong, well what do I does not make sense...can someone tll me I am DREAMING.

Give thanks in all things

This morning I was at an amazing lodge where I am facilitating a programme for umemployed graduates. As I was taking the shower I could hear some really sad news from the morning edition on television about the death toll of people hit by the worst hurricane ever to hit the East. I just stood there in the shower and thought to myself...are we really thankful, the ones who were given an opportunity to wake up today or are we contemplating to complain about how tough things are.
Well I am just reminding you that today you have a much better day than about 10 million peope in Africa stop whining and being negative and start being thankful.
Be thanful because you are online and reading this blog whilst somewhere in africa they will never ever have access to a computer. Be thankful for the lunch you had today because somewhere in Vietnam there is someone who has not yet had a meal.

Be thankful for the house you have no matter how small you may think it is , because in Africa someone yesterday slept under a tree.
Be thankful that today you were given yet another go at life because someone did not wake up.

So there it goes, in spite of what we may say about interest rates , the price of oil...some of us out there are still having it much better than the average Joe or Jane , I AM THANFUL that I have an opportunity and means to write this message to you.