Monday, January 14, 2013

Know your Path and follow it

We have survived all kinds of the so-called end times , predicted by men who thought themselves higher than we the mortals and all of them were wrong and found very wanting.
In my quest and curiosity for things bot physical and meta-physical. I always had this profound question?

What is the Essence of our lives , what is the ultimate prize of this LIFE. In my quest and journey I have met very interesting people from all walks of life , cultures , races , countries etc. My inter-action with them was always and still is trying to decipher the Essence of Life. Why are we here , why were you born were you were born to your parents , country , race , following a certain religious dogma and or being an atheist. 

These lingering questions are what most of the people are also seeking answers to. So in both my quest and global observations , it has become apparent to me that there are those who search and  find and then there are the oblivious ones...the ones who say "I am here because I am here" whatever happens it is ok. However the most common of things among people is the sense of wanting your life to mean something even if it is within a small community. It is the knowing that you count for something no matter how small.

So let me just throw a few names to stimulate your thinking:
Lionel Messi , Luciano Pavarotti , Muhammad Ali , Tiger Woods , Oprah Winfrey , Sir Richard Branson , Nelson Mandela , Andrew Carnegie , Quinton Tarantino , Steven Spielberg , Barack Obama , Leon Kirkinis , Sydney Poitier , Madonna , Serena Williams et al. 

What goes on in your mind as you read the names of each and every person above and I guess there are floods of other names you also know which stimulates something inside of you.
Well let me assist you...they are known for one thing and one discipline, they have mastered something powerful and profound and they are being materially rewarded in all the ways many many people "wish " they also could be rewarded.

So I believe that these people have done something so simple and yet profound and in doing so not only did that reward them but it also gave countless number of other people opportunities to tap into that magic. I believe that most of these people searched for one thing and one thing only ...Their Path...and they followed it to the end of the world , others with much adventure , others with much pain but regardless of the journey the Path was chosen and followed.

So I believe that for you to get to that space of fulfillment to the knowing time and feeling a sense of self-worth the being part of something bigger than your own immediate is when you have indeed found your Path and followed it relentlessly.

There is no other road that leads to the manifestation of a better you than that journey , your journey only chosen for you and no one else.

I wish you well fellow traveler in your quest...however only those who truly search will find.

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