Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In search of the PATH

Well the truth is quite simple , you will never get what you do not  search for. So in the search for your Path there are very profound questions you must ask yourself. I believe that our lives becomes effortless and very light when we operate in that space which was destined for us from the beginning.

We have seen how easily people loose themselves chasing the wrong things. We are in an era in the history of human beings where people are in a quest for meaning , to be a part of something greater than one's needs. I believe it is the ones walking their chosen Paths who ultimately find fulfillment in who they are. The need for things to validate us , our big houses , expensive jewels , cars etc is fast becoming obsolete.

So below I will share with you some questions which has a potential to pointing you towards your Path.  I want you to take your time and not be haste in answering them, I want you to look for the answers within because that is where the truth lies. I believe that answers to our deepest and darkest questions lies in the ebbs of our hearts, there is always a sense of knowing. The challenge always becomes the dealing decisively with the what we know to be the truth about our Path.

1. What moves You ?
What is it that gives you goose pimples , the one thing which puts a lump in your throat , butterflies in your stomach and makes your knees weak when you observe someone doing it or watching it on television.The first time I experienced a Motivational Speaker in action , it was as if I had an out of body experience. I knew there and then that it was me on the platform. The  truth is it took me almost 10 years to put it into action , to do something about it. I do not want you to waste as much time as I have , being caught up in the moment of paralysis because my comfort zone was much more stronger than my Path. Do not let fear steal away your golden moments, far too many people are afraid to follow their Path. When the time for your music to stop , you must play Frank Sinatra' s classic " I DID IT MY WAY" we all can only if we confront our fears. The truth is unless your DREAMS are bigger than your fears , you will never ever do anything about finding your Path.

2. What are your natural talents ?
What exactly are your natural talents. I believe that this is where the core of your Path lies. We have seen it over and over again how the greatest of rewards goes to the talented. In the beginning people used to believe that talent was about music and acting , those were the most revered of talented people. However things have changed dramatically , we have people who are skateboarding and are worshiped by throngs of people around the globe and they make unbelievable amounts of money. We have Bakers who are superstars and yet many years ago a baker was a baker and was a baker. We have superstar landscapers , the list is endless. Each and every one of these people does it uniquely and that's what makes them special. What is your talent and believe me the world is waiting for you to show up. Most people just do not show up, so I am urging you to re-examine your life and find those special moments, your moments. There in those moments lies your Path.

3. What is it that people mostly ask you to help them with ?
When you become the go to girl/guy , there is that spark of magic which you carry with you. That magic,the ones people around you recognize you for is an indication of a Path you must follow. When I was a young and over enthusiastic and clueless people always invited me to be an MC of sorts in parties , beauty pageants etc. There in the open in my face was an indication which I totally ignored because the environment around me never took that serious. Most people are affected by the environment they are part of. Environmental impact can either inspire or totally destroy your Path.The environment also includes the people you spend time with. They are either an asset to you or they are liabilities. I always urge people to do a stock take of your associates. You need to check if they inspire you to follow your Path or they discourage you.. Most Visionaries were called crazy until they achieved insurmountable feats and then they are over night called heroes.

Today when I look back at what was happening around me , I am a 1000% sure that there are many of you out there who are trapped in an environment which does not recognize your gift or disregards them. I hope and pray that you will look at what I have shared with you here and begin to retrospect at your life so that you too can get to that elusive space of fulfillment and happiness ...you are not doing anyone a favor especially yourself by hiding your gifts , the world is much poorer without you.

This is is , this is your time to make things happen . The past is but a place of reflection and should not be your prison...see you at the top.

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