Monday, June 24, 2013

Run This Race Your Way!

I woke up feeling a bit "funny" in a way , not my usual HIGH POWERED , ENERGY , INSPIRATIONAL self . Immediately I looked at myself in the mirror, there it hit me again ...the MICHAEL JACKSON moment , "I am starting with the man in the mirror , I am asking if he will change his ways ... no message could have been any clearer if you want to make this world a better place , take a look at yourself and make that change ".

And then this moment hit me , when I was running a Team Effectiveness process for a high powered HR Executive Team and the kind of fun and learning which was happening. I always believe that to be inspirational and fresh in all my interactions I had to transform myself to be a "TEACHER LEARNER" not a "TEACHER TEACHER " to bring with me knowledge but also create an environment wherein people could bring theirs and we all leave a bit wiser than when we came. 

This reminded me of a very profound truth , that I AM RUNNING THE RACE OF LIFE MY WAY and not according to what society , my parents , teachers , friends , always dictated the way in which my life should be. I found MY PURPOSE , created flow in my life and immersed myself in being exceptional in what I do in no competition with anyone but myself the previous day. The question being am I a better TEACHER LEARNER today than I was yesterday ?. This is the measure of greatness not to compete but to always seek to CREATE much like the amazing TUPAC  "TO UNIQUELY PRODUCE AND CREATE" to always seek to be fresh in anything you do.

So the essence of this conversation is this :

  • This is your life and you were created and when it was done , the essence was that you are perfect and powerful beyond measure and this world could not have been complete without you.
  • Your talent and gifts are in your DNA , hence Luciano Pavarotti could not sing like Frank Sinatra nor him like Nat King Cole.
  • Stop shrinking and allowing the world and circumstances to dictate where your life is going and what it should be.
  • Forget about pleasing those around you at the expense of your happiness and fulfillment.
  • The world is continually producing amazing and great things and you are an integral part of that creation , so stop competing and start creating.
  • You will not be measured by the car you drove , or house you lived in but by whether your life has made a difference in other people's lives , what impact did you have to humanity.
  • There was not one like you before and never shall there be another after you , who is like you.
  • The world is in need of collective genius for us to find solutions to challenges facing this generation.
  • Michael Jackson was not the only musical genius , you have it in you but have killed it by being "sheep " and not finding your authentic self and expressing it without any fear nor reservation.
  • Today this moment , this year within this generation it is demanded of you to be authentic, like Emerson said "Imitation is suicide ".
So then what am I saying to you ?

Stop looking at being who you are not and will never be, competing with others , search fro the truth within and start manifesting it in your life. Do not let doubt , fear and disbelief rule your life. Find and be driven by Purpose fired up by Passion and protected by Faith. Ask yourself what happened to all your youthful DREAMS , the hopes of a better tomorrow an ability to affect this world positively and creating a legacy for you and your family.

Well here is the SAD TRUTH:

You have been running the WRONG RACE , based on what your parents chose for you , friends told you to do , society programmed you for , religion indoctrinated , circumstances pushed you to. The truth is , you are now unhappy , unfulfilled , less impactful and a mere statistic because you have not labored hard to really understand who you are and then RUN THIS RACE YOUR WAY .
It is not too late to wake and  really take your place and play your part in this beautiful gift of life ... this world is much more poorer because you have SHRUNK and allowed circumstances to run you over like a high speed train.

I Salute

Nelson Mandela , Oprah Winfrey , Luciano Pavarotti , Muhammad Ali , Leon Kirkinis , Mark Zuckerbeck , Nkwame Nkrumah , Kahlil Gibran , Albert Einstein , Steven Spielberg , Tyler Perry et al.

Because you knew what your RACE was , the sacrifices on the road , the heart aches , the losses , the loneliness and yet ... YOU DID IT ... you found that MAGIC ...because you have  RUN IT YOUR WAY.

it is not too late for you to also do it!

This is me against all odds ,against  what my friends , teachers , society etc said ... changing the world one inspired person at a time...this is MY RACE AND AM RUNNING IT MY WAY!


Billy Selekane CSP , SAHof

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